Handyman / maid services

For private individuals as well as for business removals.

Your belongings have been transported to your new home and everything went alright..... Then there is often still a lot of work left to do.

Or you know from the beginning that in your new home or office, will be a lot work to do like the mounting of the aerial- cables for your radio and TV.

Very often many things have to be put on the walls and you don’t seem to have the time to do it.
We can do all these jobs for you.

Our very professional handyman /maid has all the equipment,
And takes good care of all your belongings.
Before he starts he talks everything through with you to know exactly where he has to put everything or hang it on the walls.

Examples of handy man/maid works

  • Re-mounting work
  • Anti burglary equipment and locks
  • Re-installing electrical appliances
  • Re-mounting of pictures or paintings
  • Re-mounting of curtain rails and the hanging of   the   curtains
  • Waterbed service
  • Re-placing of furniture
  • Re-mounting of furniture
  • Draft strips and looking for draft spots
  • Small repairs
  • Sealing and whitening of ceilings (in cooperation with a painter-business)
  • Wall papering (in cooperation with a painter-business)
  • Carpet handling (in cooperation with a carpet-layer)
  • Wall repairs
  • And as many other handyman/maid works as you can think of.

During our quotation visit you can tell us if you want to use our handyman/maid service, but you can also use this service without the removal services. All of this is possible at a fixed total price or at an hourly rate. You just tell us however you want it.


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